ESD: Driving change towards sustainable schools
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ESD: Driving change towards sustainable schools

This course, which forms part of WWF's Education for a sustainable planet learning path, aims to help you further your understanding of sustainability and equip you with relevant information, tools, activities and good ideas from other skilled practitioners to make Education for Sustainable Development a cornerstone of your teaching practice.

What will you gain from the course?

  • An understanding of what is meant by a ‘whole school approach’ to ESD Tools and guidance for implementing a whole school approach to ESD in your institution;
  • An understanding of the positive impact a school can have in the wider community and beyond; and
  • Inspiration and ideas from case studies of successful whole school ESD implementation from around the world.
Für diesen Kurs ist derzeit keine Beschreibung verfügbar


    • Module 1: Developing a whole school approach
    • MD1: Reflective Task
    • Module 2: Key aspects of a whole school approach
    • MD2: Reflective Task
    • Module 3: Putting sustainability at the heart of school life
    • MD3: Reflective Task
    • Module 4: Impact beyond the school gates
    • Module 5: Where do I start?
    • MD5: Reflective Task
    • Additional ressources
    • Test